Residential & commercial. Distressed & motivated. Flips & holds. Uncover hidden opportunities with our data
Comprehensive & enhanced public records
All the enhanced property data & owner information to discover and connect with owners inside one platform
Targeting criteria that works like magic
Mix, match, or make any off-market list you can think of, and some you haven’t. Combine our 250+ criteria with your expertise to target prospects with precision.
Quickly search for properties and import their description, list price, value & rent estimates, property taxes, photos and more. Or use their step-by-step wizard to enter the data manually.
Fill in your purchase price, financing, closing costs, rehab budget, rent roll and estimated expenses. Configure dozens of parameters to structure the exact deal you want.
Instantly view each property’s cash flow, cap rate, ROI, profit from sale, acquisition costs and more. Explore long-term cash flow projections for rentals & BRRRR’s, and profit projections for flips